Saturday, 10 March 2012

Pity our brain.

Thinking Thinking Thinking. Aren’t you tired of it? Aren’t you tired of being so stressed out because you keep thinking and putting thoughts in your head, therefore resulted in you, being over thinking? According to Eckhart Tolle, thinking is bad. Thinking could make you lose focus in yourself and what’s important, thus you let your mind controls you and you become “one” with the mind instead of two separate beings. The mind is a very powerful tool in helping us to make decision and making correct judgements.


Here’s a new term for you, ANALYSIS PARALYSIS. (sounds like something a professor would say, huh?) Let me invite you to the world of this new term (for most of you, reading this)

"The term "Analysis Paralysis" or "Paralysis of Analysis" refers to over-analyzing (or over-thinking) a situation, so that a decision or action is never taken, in effect paralyzing the outcome."

This means, an individual might look for the "perfect" solution and dread making any decision that could lead to an unknown wrong outcomes to get the better solution. Afraid of making decisions leads to over-thinking and making the problem even harder to find its solution, thus no action will be taken.

This particular phrase describes circumstances where the opportunity cost of decision analysis surpass the benefits that could be gained by enacting some choice where the sheer quantity of analysis overpower the decision-process itself, thus preventing a conclusion to be made. Analysis Paralysis could occur in these particular situations such as;

  • software development.
  • workplace.
  • sports.
  • board games.

From my point of view, we apply analysis paralysis in daily basis, even in choosing what to eat for lunch. It’s unavoidable, especially for me. Sure, decision will be hard to make but to me, it makes my mind active when I think. Thinking is good for you, you just have to know when to put a limit. Control your brain, and not the opposite.

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